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resSolution is much more than just a tool. The outstanding benefit of the system results from an intelligent conception, which is based on a lot of experience. Convince yourself of this via the numerous technical articles and publications.

The material is available in German.

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​​Konzept der zwei Welten
Mit dem Konzept gegen das vollintegrierte Projekt- und Projektportfolio-Management-System über sämtliche Ebenen sowieder Projekt- und Unternehmenshierarchie.

Heinz Scheuring - Fachzeitschrift Management und Qualität

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Welche Faktoren tagen an ein erfolgreiches Multiprojekt-Ressourcenmanagement bei.​

Heinz Scheuring - Fachzeitschrift Swiss IT Magazine 

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warum klemmt es häufig bei der Ressourcenplanung und was ist zu beachten, damit Ressourcenmanagement zum Erfolg wird.

von Heinz Scheuring - projektManagement aktuell

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Artificial Intelligence - Article in the NZZ am Sonntag
Beyond project and resource management, Heinz Scheuring also expresses himself in the media on the topic of artificial intelligence - its blessings, but above all on the limits of AI. In addition to the editorial in the NZZ am Sonntag, we refer to the article in the trade journal Management and quality as well as the column in the Swiss IT Magazine.

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Design von Business Software

gekürzte Fassung

"Software muss nicht fliegen" von Heinz Scheuring - Fachzeitschrift Swiss IT Magazine

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Weisen die Suchmaschinen uns wirklich, verlässlich den Weg zum Ziel?

Heinz Scheuring - Fachzeitschrift Swiss IT Magazine Oktober 2022 Ausgabe

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Integration von IT-Systemen Anhand anschaulicher Beispiele hinterfragt.

Heinz Scheuring - Fachzeitschrift Swiss IT Magazine 

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Column on the topic of search engines

Search engines show us the way to our destination. Really? Reliably and in the desired quality? You can find Heinz Scheuring's views on this topic in the October 2022 issue of the Swiss IT Magazine journal.

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The book: Radical Business Software

Business software is often designed and evaluated with the user in mind. In the reference book  "Radical Business Software - Nothing but Committed to Benefit"  Heinz Scheuring shows examples, convictions and approaches for benefit-oriented software on 200 pages. Order the pdf here for free.

Professional article on the design of business software

In his refreshing article "Software doesn't have to fly" Heinz Scheuring Software calls for a paradigm shift in business software in the renowned management magazine IM + io. The decisive factor is not the effect in the sales presentation, but the long-term achievable contribution to the company's success.

​​Professional article on the concept of two worlds

In the trade journal Management and quality, Heinz Scheuring once again decisively declares war on the fully integrated project and project portfolio management system across all levels of the project and company hierarchy. His answer to this illusion: the concept of two worlds.

Column on the design of business software

A shortened version of the following article "Software doesn't have to fly" by Heinz Scheuring has been published as a column in the Swiss IT Magazine.

Column on the topic of search engines

Search engines show us the way to our destination. Really? Reliably and in the desired quality? You can find Heinz Scheuring's views on this topic in the October 2022 issue of the Swiss IT Magazine journal.

Column on the topic of systems integrationt

In the Swiss IT Magazine, Heinz Scheuring takes up the topic of IT systems integration. 

Using illustrative examples, he questions questionable system integration fantasies in another column article.

Professional article on workforce management

In the Swiss IT Magazine , Heinz Scheuring shows which factors contribute to successful multi-project resource management. Once again, the focus is on the concept of two worlds - the differentiation between project portfolio and resource management on the one hand and project detail planning on the other. Notes on processes, organization and culture round off the article.

Professional article on resource management

In this article in the leading project management magazine projektManagement aktuell, Heinz Scheuring explains why resource planning often gets stuck and what needs to be taken into account to make resource management a success.

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