Committed to Nothing but Benefit.
Radical business software
"Radical Business Software" stands for radical benefit orientation in the design and implementation of business software.
What counts in software is the contribution it makes to the success of the company or organization. In his 200-page book, Heinz Scheuring argues that business software should be measured by this without compromise. He shows how this claim can be put into practice, which principles Scheuring follows when designing applications and how these are applied to the Scheuring Management System.
The book offers users and consultants help for the successful evaluation and implementation of software. It provides software suppliers with hints for a more sensible software design in the service of user benefits. And users of resSolution and hyperManager receive suggestions on how they can create even more benefits with the system.

"A book of soothing sobriety,
that benefits from the author's vast practical experience. Anyone planning to install a computer-aided planning system for his projects should buy this book. There is a chance that he will save himself a lot of trouble and the company a lot of money.."
Prof. Dr. Heinz Schelle
Long-time editor-in-chief
the magazine