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Two Worlds - One System

The concept to the software

Scheuring stands for management software that focuses uncompromisingly on benefits. On this page you will find out which concepts we use to implement this claim:

Project managers and line managers act in a protected yet integral manner

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Cube model

Full transparency and efficient work in all dimensions


     House model    

 So that every user feels at home from the very first moment

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Part of the philosophy are our 18 principles of software design. And as far as agility is concerned – resSolution masters both classic project management and agile or hybrid projects like hardly any other system.

Zwei Welten

The two worlds for project managers and line managers

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If you hard-couple project portfolio management with detailed project planning, you will run into problems: The two tasks will hinder or even block each other. Our answer to this is the concept of two worlds. In this approach, line managers and project managers retain the independence that allows them to work in a goal-oriented manner. In resSolution, we softly connect the two "worlds". As a project manager, you change your project planning without destroying the higher-level resource planning. Project portfolio management and project planning take place in immediate "neighborhood". The two actors – line manager and project manager – can thus mutually view and coordinate their planning status at any time. An exclusivity of resSolution. 

We connect the two “worlds” with each other in resSolution with the soft integration. As a project manager, you can change your project planning without destroying the higher-level resource planning. Project portfolio management and project planning take place in the immediate “neighborhood”. The two players - line manager and project manager - can view and coordinate their planning status with each other at any time. An exclusive feature of resSolution.

The demo platform offers an insight into this interaction.

More about the concept of two worlds with soft integration can be found in the book "Radikale Business Software" by Heinz Scheuring. (In German)

Efficient resource planning with the cube model


Resource planning serves the three dimensions



From this we have developed the descriptive resSolution cube model with the three views of the cube. In each of these views, planning can be done directly. This means highest efficiency without the detour over cumbersome screen masks.  

The demo platform offers a view of the three views.


The house User-friendly navigation with the house model

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With the resSolution house model, users access the application with minimal effort and use it with maximum efficiency.


They go to the desired floor and room. Two clicks. Navigation could not be simpler.

If required, you can build several houses. One for the planners, for example, another for the reporting needs of management, and a third for the power users and administrators. And if necessary, you expand or re-equip your house.


The importance of this approach, with its customizable views and reports, is paramount for efficient work. Every user finds his way around the system right away, and the introductory effort is reduced to a minimum.  


The best way to experience the advantages of building a house is to click it yourself. The link will take you to a house with "floors" for different organizational units and user groups.

Scheuring- Exklusivitäten

Further exclusivities of our management software

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resSolution offers further features that are exclusive on the software market. This additionally increases the benefit of the system.  

These include the Hierarchical Prefilter for highly precise and efficient filtering of projects and resources. But also the Link Management, with which you can access documents, web addresses, notes or tasks from any position at lightning speed. And with the integrated functionality of hyperManager, countless other tools are available to make your work more efficient, professional and pleasant.


Software design for practical use

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In the development of resSolution and hyperManager, we are uncompromisingly oriented towards the benefits for the company. Our 18 principles of software design prove that this is not just a cheap advertising slogan. One example:

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Less is more – this is especially true for software. Before we implement it, we check every function for its relevance to the normal user. Pure "sales functions" that are of no practical use are taboo for us.

How agile is resSolution?

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Whether you are agile, classic or hybrid – resSolution is at home in any environment.

With the concept of two worlds, resSolution is virtually predestined to support the agile world. While resource planning takes place on the rough level – products and releases – the dynamic world is mapped on the detailed level. Requirements, sprints and tasks are managed here.

You can adapt the structures and the number of levels to the requirements of the projects as you wish. On our demo platform we offer you an insight.  

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